Monday, May 28, 2012

Jayes 0.2.0 release

Jayes 0.2.0 is here!

I finally removed the SNAPSHOT marker from the plugin.xml and pom.xml files - which means i consider this a release version. Find it at Github

What is Jayes?

Jayes is an open-source Bayesian Network library written in pure Java. I wrote it as part of my Bachelor's thesis. It is used by the Code Recommenders project at Eclipse, where it predicts method calls for code completion. It performs very well, as i showed in my Bachelor's thesis (also available in the repository), and can compete even with native Bayesian Network libraries.

Why version it 0.2.0?

The reason the current version number is 0.2.0 is that at the point where i first wrote Jayes, the Code Recommenders project was in version 0.2.0. This version number is in no wise related to the state of the development of the library.

Features in version 0.2.0

- exact inference in Bayesian Networks with discrete-valued variables
- File formats: XMLBIF v0.3, GeNIe's XDSL format


Jayes is licensed under the EPL 1.0